December has arrived again, and with the making of lists of biggest hits of the year. Certainly the thing that hit me the hardest in 2021 was the corona virus. In March I did not expect to live to December. I didn't expect to live to April. In April, I was still feeling pretty uncetain about my suvival, and it was the end of May before I was convinced that my survival might be a good thing.
One of the frequently asked questions on Facebook and such is, if this were the last day of yur life, what would you do? I hardly ever consider that question seriusly, but just think that I would go on doing what I usually do. I am, not unhappy. I am seldom ever even grumpy--although there wass that one afternoon last week . . . .
But over the months since March that I have come to consider bonus months of a sort, I have begun to consider that question more seriously. And I realized that I had become a sort of whited sepulchre. For those of you dear readers who aren't familiar with the image, it is from the Gospel according to St. Matthew, where Jesus says:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulches,which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within fullof med men's bones, and of all uncleanness.'
Now, I ain't claiming that I appeared beautiful ooutward ot other people who saw me, but I was pretty happy with my life when I looked at it. Indeed, I was practiving all of what in traditional morality were considered the seven deadly sins of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Not so noticeably that I considered myself a grievious sinner, mind you. I wasn't as [choose a sin] as someone I knew. Besides, these attributes which were once considered sinful--that is, damaging to our personnages, to our souls, have become in contemporary society virtues.
Part of my wake-up call, so to speak, was the attitude my friends had towards my illnesses. I sawy illnesses because the United States had just gone through an election, and I voted against the party most of my good liberal friends thought would be the salvation of the country. And they spared few opportunities to tell me that they thought I must be crazy--is this gaslighting?--because I had erred from the true faith. Well, the party of light won, and nothing they have done has made me wish that I had voted for them. Rather, they have just reminded me of the implications of the name Lufifer. My regret is that I voted at all. I regret that I got distracted from working on my own thoughts and actions and lgave energy to what is basically a cock fight or a pit dog fight Then during the months that I was so ill from the virus, those same friends who were so anxious to convince me that I was mentally ill with wrongthink almost never checked to see how I was doing in my fight with the virus.
In the long run, however, I consider having had a fight with the virus to have been a blessing, because it reminded me of what St. Paul had said about our real fight:
'we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.'
We all will die. If I had died in March, the world would still sing the carols of the Adventt and Christmas seasons, stay up and drink too much on New Year's Eve, complain about the cold and slush of February and hardly notice next March that I was no longer posting cat photos on Instagram or writing occasional contrary blog posts. But . . . .(Am I making a New Year's resolution? I don/t make those. But this is a sort of Advent resolution, and much of the western Church considers Advent the start of a new year, so . . . .) But I hope during the months remaining to me to pay mor atttention to how I live, to recover the order of my life that I once followed, an order or attention and prayer that was designed to keep me connected to the earth and to the seasons, to my fellow human beings and to the other creatures with whom we share this earth, and to the One who created all of us, all creatures great and small and all creatures, as Monte Pythom reminded us,
'all , things dull and ugl, all things small ad squat, All things rude and nasty . . .'
We are all in this together, and I am convinced that the tradition of the Orthodox Church is correct, that what one of us does affects us all/ There my be victimless political crimes, but there are no victimless sins. And so, as is the practice at Vespers in the Orthodox Church, I ask you, my brothers ad sisters, to forgive me, for I have sinned.
Since I am in a sufficiently obscure backwater of the internet, I will tell you what the LORD made clear to me while listening to Rachmaninoff: It's me. When I look out and see the craziness of sin, the confusion, all of it, the only proper response is to admit to God that it's me. Did I pray? Did I keep my vow? Was I truthful with God? No. It's me. Graciously rescue me, God. Come quickly to help me, LORD. Deliver me from my body. Deliver me from my mind. Deliver me from my self. Deliver all of us from me.